Thursday, January 5, 2012

I'm Back

It's been a while since I wrote anything here; but I have decided that is 2012 I should attempt to complete some projects.  Writing and maintaining a blog is on the list and so is decluttering and becoming more organized.
Oh, I know the theory of decluttering and organizing; could likely write a book about it.  But, it's the putting theory in to practice that seems to elude me.  It looks so easy when you see them do it on TV.  Part of the difficulty is that I am not only decluttering and organizing my own life, but also the lives of my six children, their partners and my grandchildren.
Although our home is a whopping 3600 square feet, there is no room to put things.  Well, really the reality is that everywhere there is room is already filled with "things."  Some of these things belong to me, but much of it belongs to the other people that share our home.  There in lies some of the problem.  Is it my duty and obligation to sort through the stuff that does not belong to me and decide if it is still useful; do I even have the right to decide whether these kept items are cherished treasures or just junk.
Oh, I must admit that I can come up with more reasons to keep something than to throw it away.  It always seems that when I throw something away it suddenly comes up in conversation or I find the match to it.  Speaking of match, that is why I have a large hamper full of unmatched socks.  You just never know when you are cleaning whether you will come across the mate, so I keep them just in case.  Some have been waiting for their "perfect mate" for years.
Well, I shall try to keep you all updated about how the declutter/organization 2012 New Years Resolution is panning out.

Dear Creator,
Please grant me the strength to toss and donate the things I no longer need or use.  Meegwetch.

Most of all for this year, "Don't Forget to Breathe"